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NiSi UHD UV for Fujifilm X100/X100S/X100F/X100T/X100V (Black)


  • Absorbs Ultraviolet Light Clear Protective Filter
  • Optical Glass
  • Design to complement the X100 and match the finishes
  • Multi-Coated
  • The Original x100V Lens Cap can be placed directly on to the UV filter (only the X100V lens cap)

The NiSi UHD UV for Fujifilm X100/X100S/X100F/X100T/X100V (Black) is a UV filter designed to complement the black finish of the X100 series by Fujifilm. The filter is multicoated, made from optical glass for ultra HD sharpness, absorbs ultraviolet light and works as a clear protection filter to protect the front of the x100 lens.

The original X100V lens cap (only the X100V lens cap) can be used with the NiSi UHD UV for Fujifilm X100 and can be placed over the filter for protection.

The NiSi UHD UV for Fujifilm X100 is also available in Silver.